- Last Update:
- July 5, 2023
Every French bulldog owner must make sure that their pet receives the best possible care. One of the most critical tasks you have as a pet parent is to keep your Frenchie healthy – and that is why you have to be extra careful when feeding your pooch.
One of the first rules to remember is: Never feed your Frenchie your scraps!
It can be tempting to share your meal with your best friend, especially when you look in those big puppy eyes begging for a bite or two. It is perfectly reasonable that you’re going to give in sometimes.
And for this reason, you must find out which food is safe and healthy for your French bulldog – and which is not.
So, what human food can French bulldogs eat?
French bulldogs can eat everything from this list – as long as they don’t overdo it. And as you’ll soon find out, the list includes a variety of fruits, veggies, and meat products.
Serving these “human foods” to your Frenchie could help make your dog’s diet more interesting.
That said, it’s your responsibility to make sure the quantity is always within the allowed limits, as well. When it comes to human foods – even safe ones – too much can be dangerous for French bulldogs.
They must maintain a protein-rich diet at all times.
Besides, it’s crucial to note that French bulldogs are prone to becoming obese.
So, you must watch their calories, too. More importantly, keep your Frenchie’s meals lean and avoid giving too many treats. Sure, it makes them happy – but it won’t do your pup any service.
Okay, that’s enough of an intro. Let’s dive into the details, shall we?
Table of Contents
Which People Foods Are Safe For French Bulldogs?

Your French bulldog doesn’t have the same digestive system as you. For this reason, the food you eat and enjoy might not be safe for your little furry friend.
Be careful – some food could easily make your Frenchie very sick!
Now, this guide is designed to help with that:
To avoid dangerous foods and still be able to enrich your French bulldog’s diet with a variety of fruits, veggies – and other “human foods” – make sure you carefully read the list we’re about to share with you.
The food on the list is not only safe for your Frenchie but can provide them with an abundance of valuable nutrients and numerous health benefits.
So, let’s not waste any more time – let’s see which food is safe for French bulldogs!
The List Of Human Foods That Are Safe For French Bulldogs
Group #1: Fruits & Veggies

- Carrots
Your Frenchie might not look like a rabbit, but you can let them enjoy a carrot from time to time. Dogs usually enjoy munching on this healthy veggie because it’s crunchy and has a mild taste.
Plus, carrots are healthy for your Frenchie’s teeth. Chewing a carrot helps remove plaque from your dog’s teeth and thus promotes good dental health.
Carrots are also rich in vitamin A. This valuable vitamin strengthens your Frenchie’s immune system and helps keep their skin and coat in top condition. And it does wonders for the eyesight as well.
Be careful, though:
Too much vitamin A could end up being toxic for your Frenchie. You must feed carrots to your pet in moderation.
- Apples
The famous “One apple a day keeps the doctor away” saying applies to dogs, as well. Namely, apples are packed with numerous vitamins valuable for dogs – such as vitamin A and C.
Apples are an excellent source of fiber, too. As such, they could help regulate your Frenchie’s digestion.
If you overdo it, though, your furry friend could end up with an upset stomach. Make sure your French bulldog never eats a rotting apple – that can cause alcohol poisoning in dogs.
- Avocado
French bulldogs can consume small amounts of avocado – as long as you make sure to remove the seeds (pits), leaves, and skin.
- Blueberries
Your Frenchie can enjoy a few blueberries a couple of times a week.
They’re a good source of fiber, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. Antioxidants are especially beneficial for elderly Frenchies because they help alleviate some age-related issues.
- Bananas
Bananas are safe for French bulldogs as long as you provide them in moderation. They’re rich in magnesium, which helps improve your Frenchie’s bone health.
Be extremely careful not to give your pet bananas too often since they have high sugar content.
- Cucumbers
Cucumbers are not only safe but also highly recommended as a Frenchie-friendly snack. They are rich in numerous vital vitamins and minerals – one of which is vitamin K.
Considering that they’re a low-calorie veggie, cucumbers are an excellent choice if your French bulldog is already overweight.
- Green Beans
Plain green beans are safe for French bulldogs and can be served both cooked or raw – but always without seasoning. Green beans are a pretty good source of protein. They also contain iron, calcium, and vitamin K.
Yet, it would be best to chop the beans up before serving them to your Frenchie to prevent choking.
- Watermelon
Watermelon is generally safe for your Frenchie – but the seeds and the rind can be dangerous and should thus be avoided at all costs.
The seeds can block the intestines; that’s why you must make sure you remove them all. As for the rind, it’s likely to cause an upset stomach.
Watermelon is an excellent summer treat. It has a high water content that can help hydrate your Frenchie and will provide your pup with vitamins A, C, and B-6, too.
Group #2: Grains

- Whole Wheat
Almost every commercial dry dog food formula contains wheat. It’s an essential component of the canine diet. So, yes, Frenchies can safely eat wheat, too.
Since it’s rich in digestible carbohydrates, wheat provides your pup with the energy it needs.
Now, whole wheat contains intact grain kernels, so it is the best form of this grain for dogs. The outer layer of these kernels is high in fiber that acts like a prebiotic and stimulates the growth of the good bacteria in your dog’s digestive system.
Some Frenchies might be allergic to gluten – but it happens pretty rarely. For most Frenchies, whole wheat is essential for a balanced diet.
- Brown Rice
Brown rice is pretty much like whole wheat:
It contains the outer kernel layers rich in fiber and other valuable nutrients – such as vitamin B, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus, and selenium.
If your Frenchie has an upset stomach, brown rice can help. Your dog can easily digest rice, and it will help soothe its stomach and speed up the recovery.
- Barley
Barley is a safe cereal grain that provides Frenchies with the carbohydrates and energy needed to get through the day. It’s an excellent alternative to wheat since it boasts an exceptionally high energy content.
If your French bulldog is very active, barley could help keep them energized. Plus, it’s rich in B vitamins, too.
- Oats
Oats are highly nutritious – high in protein and low in gluten. They are popular in commercial dog formulas made for canines that are sensitive to corn or wheat.
Due to its low glycemic index, this grain could help control your Frenchie’s blood sugar. Whole oats contain soluble fiber, too, and can assist in managing cholesterol levels.
Oatmeal is often found on dog food labels. It’s a premium ingredient ideal for owners who prefer a non-GMO diet for their Frenchie.
- Millet
Millet is mainly used for bird food – but can sometimes be a part of the canine diet. It is suitable for French bulldogs that are allergic to gluten since it’s a gluten-free grain.
Millet is an excellent source of antioxidants that will strengthen your Frenchie’s immune system, while the higher fat content provides your pup with slow-burn energy.
- Quinoa
Quinoa is a healthy grain that your Frenchie can eat in moderate amounts. Many premium dog food formulas contain this seed instead of corn or wheat.
Quinoa is nutrient-dense, but more importantly, it is packed with calcium which has a significant role in your Frenchie’s bone development.
Now, saponin found in quinoa can irritate dog intestines. But you shouldn’t worry as long as you serve your Frenchie moderate portions.
- Sorghum
Sorghum is an ancient grain that is now often found in the so-called “superfood” pet formulas. If your Frenchie is gluten-intolerant, you can include this highly nutritious grain in their diet.
It’s easily digestible and boasts a low glycemic index, making it suitable for French bulldogs that have diabetes, too. Sorghum is rich in phosphorus, copper, magnesium, and zinc. The essential fatty acids present in sorghum have an antioxidant effect.
- Rye
Rye is often found in weight-control dog food formulas, making this grain an excellent choice for overweight Frenchies. Be careful if your pooch has celiac disease or gluten intolerance, though; rye contains gluten.
That said, rye is rich in B vitamins and fiber. Besides promoting weight loss, it also helps control blood sugar levels and improves your Frenchie’s heart health.
- Corn
Even though corn is often present in grain-inclusive dog foods, be careful when introducing it to your Frenchie. Many pups have corn allergies.
On the plus side, it boasts substantial levels of vitamin E and beta-carotene, and essential fatty acids that promote a healthy coat.
- White Rice
As with the previously mentioned brown rice, white rice is a great choice to help a Frenchie with an upset stomach. It’s easily digestible and helps bind the stool.
However, white rice could lead to blood sugar spikes – and should be consumed in moderation. So, be extra careful if your Frenchie suffers from diabetes.
Group #3: Dairy Products

Most dairy products are safe for French bulldogs – but only in small quantities. So, your Frenchie can generally enjoy:
- Milk
- Cheese
- Yogurt
If you overdo it, though, your pet will most likely have digestive problems since dogs have much lower lactase levels than humans. The role of this enzyme is to break down the sugars in milk – and your dog’s body might not be able to do it as efficiently.
If your Frenchie is lactose-intolerant, avoid dairy products altogether. If you are unsure, look for signs such as diarrhea or vomiting after eating any dairy products.
Group #4: Meat

- Fish
Not all fish is suitable – or safe – for your Frenchie, but your pup can generally consume:
- Salmon
- Shrimp
- Tuna
Fish is generally an excellent source of protein. Both salmon and tuna are also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that boost your French bulldog’s immune system and help maintain its coat and skin healthy.
Always cook fish before offering it to your Frenchie, though. Raw fish could contain dangerous parasites that can endanger your pup’s health.
Sushi is surprisingly not off-limits – as long as you take some precautions.
- Chicken
Chicken is an excellent protein choice for your French bulldog’s diet. Make sure that your dog eats a good portion of poultry every week.
If you choose to prepare chicken yourself, you should boil it and serve it without seasoning. It can help if your dog has an upset stomach, too.
- Pork
Your Frenchie can have pork – but only in moderation. Pork has high-fat content that Frenchies have a problem digesting, and it can thus cause inflammation or even a serious condition called pancreatitis.
Just like chicken, pork is best served cooked and with no seasoning. Do not feed your Frenchie bacon or processed ham since both contain dangerous levels of salt.
- Turkey
Turkey is safe for Frenchies – and many commercial dog foods contain it, as well. It is best to remove the fat before preparing turkey meat since it can induce pancreas issues.
And again, your pet should only be allowed to eat cooked and unseasoned turkey meat.
- Beef
Beef is a common ingredient in commercial dog food. You can serve your Frenchie lean beef as long as you don’t add any sauce or seasoning.
Beef is one of the best animal-based protein sources for dogs in general. Even more so, it’s rich in numerous vitamins and minerals your French bulldog needs to stay healthy.
Never serve your Frenchie raw or undercooked meat; it’s a health risk that isn’t worth taking!
Raw meat may contain dangerous bacteria such as Escherichia coli or Salmonella – and both can cause food poisoning in dogs.
Some people claim that a raw meat diet can be beneficial for dogs. We respectfully disagree – it poses a health risk and does not ensure complete nutritional balance.
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What Else Should Your Frenchie Eat?

- Eggs
Cooked eggs are perfectly safe for French bulldogs. Better yet, they’re highly nutritious:
A single egg contains almost every vitamin and mineral your Frenchie needs – and includes lots of protein, too.
Serve only cooked eggs, though!
As with meat, feeding your Frenchie raw eggs is risky; they could contain a dangerous bacteria called Salmonella.
- Peanut Butter
As long as you give your French bulldog the unsalted version of peanut butter with no added sugar or sweeteners – especially xylitol – it can be an acceptable once-in-a-while treat.
It contains numerous beneficial nutrients, including vitamin E, vitamin B, and niacin, and it’s rich in healthful fats and protein.
- Plain Popcorn
We’ve already established that corn is safe for Frenchies; it’s only logical popcorns are safe to eat, too.
That said, you cannot share your popcorns with your pet. Your Frenchie can eat ONLY plain popcorns with no salt, butter, or sugar.
Why should you give your dog some popcorns from time to time?
Well, they are packed with beneficial minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. Be careful to remove any unpopped kernels, though; they represent a choking hazard!
Which Human Foods Can Harm Your Frenchie?

Even though this wasn’t our subject – at least not initially – we thought it would be wise to warn you about human foods that could harm your French bulldog, too.
If you ever suspect your Frenchie’s ingested any foods from the following list, contact your vet as soon as possible.
On that note, NEVER give your Frenchie:
- Cherries
French bulldogs can be poisoned by cherries since their pits contain cyanide. They’re also a considerable choking hazard!
All in all, cherries are something to avoid.
- Chocolate, Coffee & Caffeine
Caffeine is bad for your dog, no matter the form it comes in:
The chocolate and coffee you consume both contain chemicals called methylxanthines. They’re highly toxic for your Frenchie and could cause issues such as vomiting, an abnormal heart rate, and seizures.
In the worst-case scenario, your Frenchie might even die.
If you want to reward your French bulldog, you can buy special chocolate treats made for dogs. They contain a safe chocolate substitute that your Frenchie can eat.
- Raisins & Grapes
Grapes and raisins are highly toxic to French bulldogs. They can cause kidney failure – or even death.
On that note, avoid any foods that might contain even traces of the two – such as fruit cake and malt loaf.
- Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits – such as oranges and lemons – contain citric acid that could upset your Frenchie’s stomach. If consumed in large quantities, citric acid can cause nervous system depression, as well.
- Cinnamon
Cinnamon is not toxic per se but often causes digestive issues such as vomiting or diarrhea. It can also cause liver disease, especially when consumed in larger quantities.
- Coconut
No coconut products are safe for your French bulldog, period. Coconut water contains too much potassium, while its flesh and oil can cause upset stomach or diarrhea.
- Nuts
You should avoid all nuts.
For starters, they represent a choking hazard for your Frenchie. Moreover, some nuts – such as macadamia nuts – can cause some pretty severe health problems, too, and make your Frenchie weak, hyperthermic, and lethargic.
- Ice Cream
Ice cream contains too much sugar for your French bulldog. Besides, many dogs are lactose intolerant, so giving them ice cream might be a bad idea.
- Onions, Garlic & Chives
Onions, garlic, and chives all contain substances known as organosulfur compounds or OSCs. They’re highly toxic for all canines, Frenchies included.
Vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain are the most common symptoms – but OSCs can cause anemia, too.
- Salty Foods
If your Frenchie consumes too much salt, they might be thirsty all the time or urinate more than usual. But if the problem persists, your pet could end up with sodium ion poisoning.
The symptoms you should be on a lookout for are:
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Involuntary shaking and tremors
- High temperature
- Seizures
- Xylitol
Xylitol is extremely dangerous for dogs. It’s a common sugar substitute in human foods, though, so be careful and always read the labels.
Xylitol can cause liver failure or reduce your Frenchie’s blood sugar levels; both can be deadly.
- Bread Dough
Bread is generally safe for Frenchies to eat – but bread dough, as harmless as it might seem, is off-limits. The yeast in dough is very dangerous for canines:
It can keep expanding inside the dog’s stomach and cause bloating. Plus, there are often some severe complications, too.
- Alcohol
Your French bulldog should never – ever – be allowed to consume alcohol or anything that might contain it! Alcohol is extremely dangerous for dogs and could even lead to coma and death.
Final Words
Knowledge is power. So, read the provided lists until you’re sure you will never jeopardize your Frenchie’s health by feeding them the wrong foods.
You can bookmark this guide and check it whenever you’re not sure if a specific food is safe for your pet or not.
And remember:
Even if some human foods are not toxic or dangerous, that does not mean you should make it a habit of yours to feed them to your pooch.
You should generally feed dogs human foods in moderation. Your French bulldog should have a diet based on dog-friendly food formulas.
That becomes even more important if your Frenchie has diabetes, weight issues, liver or kidney issues, or any food sensitivities. You should consult the vet before letting them consume human foods.
And, most importantly, consult a vet if your Frenchie has ingested something potentially harmful, too.